Here Goes Nothing!

I have been thinking about a LOT of things over the past few years and one of them was finding a way to write and express myself. Some friends encouraged me to get a little deeper into writing and sharing my stories and tales. To be honest, I struggled mightily with coming to grips that anyone would be interested in anything I have to say or spending time listening to my goofy stories. I have noticed what Facebook and other social media outlets have done to people who dare have an opinion and the “bravado” from all the tough guy keyboard warriors there are amongst us. Apparently, I am a glutton for punishment so “Here Goes Northing!”

I thought what I would do initially is to mimic one of the greatest speeches I have ever heard. It was given by Jim Valvano in 1993 who was in a fight for his life with cancer (a link to it is provided here: I was in tears after he finished his 10 minute “never give up” speech. He says a ton in this but the one thing I always remember is that a full day consists of three things. This kind of day should make you laugh, cry and think. It was a nearly perfect presentation by a great communicator and the only thing I would add is a fourth important thing and that is to pray and acknowledge God in all that we do.

So, to that end I am going to try and cover these four things in my blog/stories/tales. I’m excited to do this and I hope it goes well. I’m definitely not trying to gain “clicks or followers”, “likes”, or whatever the current terms are today. Just trying to have some fun and make people laugh, cry, think and pray as they take a break and spend some of their valuable time reading my goofy takes on life.

Here Goes Nothing!

A Joke to loosen things up a little:

A man was flying home from a business trip when the flight attendant handed out brownies. He decided to save them for later, and he put them in the cleanest thing he could find - an unused vomit bag. After the plane landed, the man got up to leave and a flight attendant approached him and said “Sir, would you like me to dispose of that for you?”. “No thanks,” he said. “I’m saving it for the kids.”

A Verse to Contemplate:

“You are the light that gives light to the world. Live so that they will see the good things you do and will praise your Father in heaven” Matthew 5: 14,16

Story of The Day:

I graduated from Ellet High School in Akron, Ohio in June of 1978. If you do the math, that means this June was 45 years since they told me to leave and make something of myself in the real world. My class is made up of some really great people and several of them have taken their time, energy and money to “herd the cats” every five years and put on a reunion. I certainly appreciate the effort put forth and we celebrated our 45th anniversary this past September back in Ohio.

I met my wife when I was a sophmore and she was a freshman. We went to a Valentine’s Day dance and we were a couple until her passing in 2021. This was to be the first one I attended without her and it left a big hole in my heart.

I am also blessed to have a large number of classmates that I truly enjoy seeing and catching up with. Forty-five years brings a lot of changes and life can be a tricky winding road with cliffs, rivers, pot holes and mountain tops. We are no longer the “sorta” innocent bunch that spent four years together trying to figure out what to do and how to act in a grown-up world. The scars and wrinkles were visible, but the eyes led to some beautiful hearts and souls.

I had not seen some of the folks since 1978. Where do you start a conversation? “What have you been doing the last 45 years?” That was going to take some serious unpacking. However, some turned out about what you would expect, others were surprising but the cool thing about this reunion for me was that it seemed like most everyone was realistic and comfortable with who they were and no one was trying to overly impress. No one showed up in a limo or helicopter with a trophy spouse or some similar silliness. At this point, we are what we are. I enjoyed that to be honest. In my mind’s eye we are all 17 and 18 years old but walking into a room of 60-year-old folks smacks you in the face that we have had a good deal of water flow under the bridges of our lives.

There were a bunch of stories going around, some laughter, some smirks, some grins, handshakes, hugs, and eye rolls. We also found out that 53 of our classmates had graduated on up to the next level of life. That was no fun and I hate facing that reality. I miss seeing them and hearing their stories.

I have had the misfortune to learn to live without my wife for the past two years and figuring out my next steps after being together for nearly 50 years. This night provided a nice respite as it took me back to a time when things were a lot more fun and a lot less stressful. I am well aware that you can’t live in the past, it’s not practical or healthy, but it was fun to time travel back to the 70’s and remember some of the best years of my life. I’m sure glad they didn’t have cell phones back then!

I remember being in a bank one time when I was in my 30’s and this lady who was in her 60’s came in and was complaining to the teller that she hated getting older. The teller, trying to be nice, said “you’re not old, you are middle-aged.” The lady responded, “Middle-aged?”, Do you think I’m going to live 120 years!?” All in the bank had a good laugh but now that I am in my 60’s……I get it.

At the end of it all, I went to sleep that night like a little kid with a smile on my face and on my heart. It felt REALLY good to be with and remember my friends from long ago. To see their success and their recovery from life’s body shots. I am thankful for the time I grew up, where I grew up, whom I grew up with and the experiences and freedoms we enjoyed back then. Fifty years is up next. Yikes!

A Prayer:

Heavenly Father, forgive me when I try to control things and work everything out my way. When my mind spins out of control, remind me that You are in complete control. Help me to trust You with anything that comes my way so I can live in Your perfect peace.

Book Recommendation: The Stranger in The Lifeboat - a novel by Mitch Albom (2021)

Music Recommendation: The Complete Live at the Plugged Nickel 1965 - Miles Davis


“Does Anyone Remember Laughter?”